2 11, 2014

Danai, Orestis und ein altes Piano

2016-12-08T11:33:55+02:002.11.2014|Musik, Videos|

For many years i thought that a piano was affordable only if you were a Pianist or quite wealthy. It was a big surprise, when i realized that you can easily find an old piano for a very small amount of money or even no money at all.

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Do a research and find out yourself if there is an instrument that fits you and your pocket.
For all those who own a piano which they don’t play anymore,
maybe it’s the right time to give it away to someone who’s interested.
You will do them and your Piano a big favor!

Selini Projects

29 10, 2014

Liebera meets Sepp Bunk

2016-12-08T11:33:56+02:0029.10.2014|Musik, Sports, Videos|

Last trip to Croatia in 2014 – enjoying live and teaching BASE jumping with good friends. Musik: Liebera – Desert. Editing: Stefan Vogl (Wild-Bird), Video (c) @ Sepp Bunk

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